The world is in the midst of an unprecedented growth of interconnected data, and graph processing systems are expected to play a vital role. Conventional graph algorithms designed for static graphs struggle to efficiently handle the continuous changes and updates that occur within these networks. As these networks grow in complexity, there is a need for algorithms capable of efficiently analyzing dynamic graph data. Our research aims to address the challenges posed by the need for real-time insights and scalable processing in dynamic and complex networks.
However, many dynamic algorithms are sequential, tailored towards web graphs, do not utilize reducibility, locality benefits of SCCs, overestimate affected vertices, have high overhead, do not have well optimized implementations, do not take advantage of auxiliary information, and do not gracefully tolerate soft-faults which modern architectures introduce. Our dynamic approaches for PageRank and community detection address these issues. Our work has been accepted by IPDPS workshops (4), the Euro-Par conference (1), the ICPP conference (1), and the Complex Networks conference (1). Key outputs from our work include the design of a common framework for dynamic graph algorithms, and techniques to address soft faults in dynamic algorithms.
โ ๐ Top Conferences ๐ Top Journals ๐จโ๐ซ Top Researchers ๐ฐ Research Notes
Journal Articles
- ๐ฐ A Fast Parallel Approach for Neighborhood-based Link Prediction by Disregarding Large Hubs (Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2024, Wiley)
- ๐ฐ Parallel Multicore Algorithms for Community Detection in Dynamic Graphs (International Journal of Networking and Computing 2024)
International Conferences
- ๐ฐ Dynamic Batch Parallel Algorithms for Updating PageRank (IPDPSW ParSocial 2022, IEEE)
- ๐ฐ Shared-Memory Parallel Algorithms for Community Detection in Dynamic Graphs (Outstanding paper, IPDPSW ADPCM 2024, IEEE)
- ๐ฐ Lock-free Computation of PageRank in Dynamic Graphs (IPDPSW ParSocial 2024, IEEE)
- ๐ฐ Fast Leiden Algorithm for Community Detection in Shared Memory Setting (ICPP 2024, ACM)
- ๐ฐ DF* PageRank: Incrementally Expanding Approaches for Updating PageRank on Dynamic Graphs (Euro-Par 2024, Springer LNCS)
- ๐ฐ High-Speed Neighborhood-based Link Prediction by Disregarding Large Hubs (Euro-Par 2024 PhD Symposium, Springer LNCS)
- ๐ฐ GVEL: Fast Graph Loading in Edgelist and Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) formats (Euro-Par AMTE 2024, Springer LNCS)
- ๐ฐ GVE-LPA: Fast Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) for Community Detection in Shared Memory Setting (Euro-Par HiPES 2024, Springer LNCS)
- ๐ฐ High-Performance Implementation of Louvain Algorithm with Representational Optimizations (Complex Networks 2024, Springer SCI)
- ๐ฐ Shared-Memory Parallel Dynamic Louvain Algorithm for Community Detection (IPDPS Poster 2024, IEEE)
- ๐ฐ EvolvGraph: A Tool for Property-Constrained Generation of Dynamic Graphs (HiPC 2024 SRS, IEEE)
Technical Reports
- ๐ฐ Performance Comparison of Graph Representations Which Support Dynamic Graph Updates
- ๐ฐ CPU vs. GPU for Community Detection: โฆ Insights from GVE-Louvain and ฮฝ-Louvain
- ๐ฐ Memory Efficient GPU-based LPA for Community Detection on Large Graphs
- ๐ฐ ฮฝ-LPA: Fast GPU-based Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) for Community Detection
- ๐ฐ Memory-Efficient Community Detection on Large Graphs Using Weighted Sketches
- ๐ฐ Heuristic-based Dynamic Leiden โฆ Efficient Tracking of Communities on Evolving Graphs
- ๐ฐ A Starting Point for Dynamic Community Detection with Leiden Algorithm
- ๐ฐ DF Louvain: Fast Incrementally Expanding Approach for โฆ on Dynamic Graphs
- ๐ฐ An Incrementally Expanding Approach for Updating PageRank on Dynamic Graphs
- ๐ฐ GSL-LPA: Fast Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) for Community Detection with no โฆ
- ๐ฐ An Approach for Addressing Internally-Disconnected Communities in Louvain Algorithm
- ๐ฐ Heuristics for Inequality minimization in PageRank values
- ๐ฐ Enhancing Efficiency in Parallel Louvain Algorithm for Community Detection
- ๐ฐ Effect of stepwise adjustment of Damping factor upon PageRank
- ๐ Time Efficient, Space Efficient, and Fault Tolerant Social Network Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Graphs (2025)
- ๐ Design and Implementation of a Heterogeneous Sensor-based Embedded System for Flood Management (2014)
- Scholarship for Events on Complex Systems (SECS) for attending Complex Networks 2024.