Top Research Papers in High Performance Computing
Graph Neural Networks
- A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks (TNNLS 2020)
- Spatial-Temporal Fusion Graph Neural Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting (AAAI 2021)
- Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection via Graph Attention Network (ICDM 2020)
- PyTorch Distributed: Experiences on Accelerating Data Parallel Training (VLDB 2020)
- Random Features Strengthen Graph Neural Networks (SDM 2021)
- Automatic Virtual Network Embedding: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach With Graph Convolutional Networks (JSAC 2020)
- Scaling Graph Neural Networks with Approximate PageRank (KDD 2020)
- Improving the Accuracy, Scalability, and Performance of Graph Neural Networks with Roc (MLSys 2020)
- Kornia: an Open Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch (WACV 2020)
- EEG emotion recognition using fusion model of graph convolutional neural networks and LSTM (Appl. Soft Comput. 2021)
Knowledge Graphs
- Knowledge Graphs (ACM Comput. Surv. 2021)
- A review: Knowledge reasoning over knowledge graph (Expert Syst. Appl. 2020)
- Artificial intelligence based anomaly detection of energy consumption in buildings: A review, current trends and new perspectives (Appl. Energy 2021)
- DGL-KE: Training Knowledge Graph Embeddings at Scale (SIGIR 2020)
Hardware/Software Technologies (for ML) and Load balancing/Scheduling
- Opportunities for neuromorphic computing algorithms and applications (Nat. 2022)
- Next-Generation Topology of D-Wave Quantum Processors (arXiv 2020)
- Photonic tensor cores for machine learning (Appl. Phys. Rev. 2020)
- AWB-GCN: A Graph Convolutional Network Accelerator with Runtime Workload Rebalancing (MICRO2020)
- Fast Adaptive Task Offloading in Edge Computing Based on Meta Reinforcement Learning (TPDS 2020)
- MLIR: Scaling Compiler Infrastructure for Domain Specific Computation (CGO 2021)
- Hybridization of firefly and Improved Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for energy efficient load balancing in Cloud Computing environments (JPDC 2020)
- Collaborate Edge and Cloud Computing With Distributed Deep Learning for Smart City Internet of Things (JIOT 2020)
- Advancing Neuromorphic Computing With Loihi: A Survey of Results and Outlook (JPROC 2021)
- A review on genetic algorithm: past, present, and future (Multimed. Tools. Appl. 2021)
- Haplotype-resolved de novo assembly using phased assembly graphs with hifiasm (Nat. 2021)
- rMVP: A Memory-efficient, Visualization-enhanced, and Parallel-accelerated Tool for Genome-wide Association Study (GPB 2021)
- metaFlye: scalable long-read metagenome assembly using repeat graphs (Nat. 2020)
- The design and construction of reference pangenome graphs with minigraph (Genome Biol. 2020)
Optimization and Scientific Packages
- A Guide to Conquer the Biological Network Era Using Graph Theory (Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2020)
- MOOSE: Enabling massively parallel multiphysics simulation (SoftwareX 2020)
- Palabos: Parallel Lattice Boltzmann Solver (Comput. Math. with Appl. 2021)
- SimAlign: High Quality Word Alignments without Parallel Training Data using Static and Contextualized Embeddings (arXiv 2020)
- GraphAF: a Flow-based Autoregressive Model for Molecular Graph Generation (arXiv 2020)
- SINDy-PI: a robust algorithm for parallel implicit sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (Proc. R. Soc. A: Math. 2020)
- A parallel global multiobjective framework for optimization: pagmo (JOSS 2020)
- Parallel Bayesian Global Optimization of Expensive Functions (OR 2020)
- TeraChem: A graphical processing unit-accelerated electronic structure package for large-scale ab initio molecular dynamics (Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Comput. 2020)
- The deal.II finite element library: Design, features, and insights (Comput. Math. with Appl. 2021)
Other Parallelism
- Towards a Complexity Theory of Synchronous Parallel Computation (2023)
- The four dimensions of social network analysis: An overview of research methods, applications, and software tools (Inf. Fusion 2020)
- A comprehensive survey of clustering algorithms: State-of-the-art machine learning applications, taxonomy, challenges, and future research prospects (Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. 2022)
- Polylogarithmic-time deterministic network decomposition and distributed derandomization (STOC 2020)
- Characteristic Functions on Graphs: Birds of a Feather, from Statistical Descriptors to Parametric Models (CIKM 2020)
- Investigating the performance of exploratory graph analysis and traditional techniques to identify the number of latent factors: A simulation and tutorial (Psychol. Methods 2020)
Other Interesting Papers
- Parallel Rendering with K-Way Replication
- GPU Accelerated Range Trees with Applications
- GPS: A Graph Processing System
- GRECS: Graph Encryption for Approximate Shortest Distance Queries
- A Genetic Algorithm for Shortest Path Routing Problem and the Sizing of Populations
- A Comparison of List Schedules for Parallel Processing Systems
- APPM: Adaptive Parallel Processing Mechanism for Service Function Chains
- Dynamic critical-path scheduling: an effective technique for allocating task graphs to multiprocessors
- Majority-Inverter Graph: A novel data-structure and algorithms for efficient logic optimization
- De novo short read assembly of the human genome
Research Areas in Parallel Algorithms
- Parallel Data Structures, Distributed Hash Tables, De Bruijn Graphs
- Parallel Programming Models, Load Balancing, Scalability, Energy-Efficiency
- Big Data and Distributed Computing, Communication Efficiency, Fault Tolerance
- Hybrid and Heterogeneous Computing, Quantum Parallelism
- Multimodal AI for Human-Robot Interaction (perception, outputs, task-related)
- Multimodal Generative AI (graph generative models, knowledge, molecular, medical/bio data)
- Generative Modelling of Conversational Dynamics (self-supervised, speech patterns, rhythm)
- Physics-based Machine Learning jointly with the MedTech industry
- Underwater Robotics and Machine Learning (multiple autonomous underwater vehicles)
- Understanding Of Biodiversity Dynamics by means of Digital Twins
- Computational Fracture Mechanics (ductile/brittle, nonlocal multiscale, crack propagation)
- Modeling of Sociotechnical Systems, with focus on Road Transport
- Bio-inspired and Nature-inspired Parallel Algorithms
- Computational Biophysics (protein folding, molecular dynamics, drug design)
- Protein Design (biocatalysis, enzyme design, biopolymers, metabolites)
Modeling of Sociotechnical Systems, with focus on Road Transport: How different electrification strategies (battery-electric, fuel cells, electric roads, battery swaps etc) can compete with and complement each other?
Other Research Areas
- Cellulose paper-based materials for power transformers (oil-immersed)
- Detection of Organic Radicals in the Atmosphere (RT mass spectrometry)
- Light-Controllable Fluorescent Proteins in Microscopy (optical bio-imaging)
- BioGlue: Green chemistry for biobased wood adhesives (biopolymers)
- BioGlue: Adhesion mechanisms in biobased wood adhesives (macromolecular materials)
- BioGlue: Biobased wood adhesives for paper applications (surface chemistry)
- Metallurgy of Recycling of Steels (remove tramp elements, pyrometallurgy)
- Industrial (Antisolvent) Crystallization (extract Ni, Mn, Co from mining waste)
- Electroanalytical Chemistry
Top Blog Posts in High Performance Computing
Large Language Models
- GraphRAG: Unlocking LLM discovery on narrative private data; Feb 2024
- GraphRAG: New tool for complex data discovery now on GitHub; Jul 2024
- Introducing DRIFT Search: Combining global and local search methods to improve quality and efficiency; Oct 2024
- GraphRAG: Improving global search via dynamic community selection; Nov 2024
- LazyGraphRAG: Setting a new standard for quality and cost; Nov 2024
- Moving to GraphRAG 1.0 – Streamlining ergonomics for developers and users; Dec 2024
- Understanding Transformer reasoning capabilities via graph algorithms; Dec 2024